[日時] 毎週月曜日15時から / [Date] Monday 15:00-
[場所] 青葉サイエンスホールまたは合同A棟203 / [Venue] Aoba Science Hall or 203 Science Complex A
No | Date and Time (YYYY/MM/DD, HH:MM-) |
Venue | Speaker | Title |
1760 | 2024/04/08, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 野田 博文(東北大学) | X-ray Observations and Detector Developments to Study the AGN Central Engine |
1761 | 2024/04/15, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 石崎 渉(東北大学) | Fallback Accretion in Binary Neutron Star Mergers |
1762 | 2024/04/16, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Ue-Li Pen(ASIAA) | FRBs: what are they and what are they good for? |
1763 | 2024/04/22, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | Ronaldo LAISHRAM(東北大学) | Cosmic Evolution and Environmental Dependence of Star Forming Activities and Morphologies |
1764 | 2024/05/13, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 安部 大晟(東北大学) | Formation & Evolution of Star-forming Filaments in Molecular Clouds |
1765 | 2024/05/17, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | Jeong-Gyu Kim(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) | Modeling Multiphase, Star-forming ISM with UV Radiation Feedback from Massive Stars |
1766 | 2024/05/20, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Hefan Li(東北大学) | Measuring the influence of the LMC on the Milky Way based on velocity ellipsoid |
1767 | 2024/05/27, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 和田 知己(東北大学) | Magnetar Bursting Activities: X-ray and Radio Transients |
1768 | 2024/05/31, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Juan Pablo Alfonzo(東北大学) | Katachi (形): Decoding the Imprints of Past Star Formation on Present-Day Morphology in Galaxies with Interpretable CNNs |
1769 | 2024/06/10, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 鈴木 竜二(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) | Personal views of astronomical instrumentation and how to build/plan new instruments |
1770 | 2024/06/11, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | Evan Kirby(Notre Dame) | The Extremes of Resolved Stellar Spectroscopy |
1771 | 2024/06/12, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Benedetta Vulcani(INAF) | Not all the action is in clusters: environmental effects on field galaxies |
1772 | 2024/06/17, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 北島 歓大(名古屋大学) | An Origin of Narrow Extended Structure in the Interstellar Medium: An Interstellar Contrail Created by a Fast-moving Massive Object |
1773 | 2024/06/24, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 藤林 翔(東北大学) | Mass ejection and nucleosynthesis in binary neutron star mergers |
1774 | 2024/07/01, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 鳥羽 儀樹(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) | Insights into AGN activity in galaxy groups/clusters: a statistical study with Subaru HSC survey |
1775 | 2024/07/08, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 鈴木 昭宏(東京大学) | GRB jets colliding with massive circum-stellar materials and associated electromagnetic transients |
1776 | 2024/07/10, 14:00- | 303 Science Complex A | Jose Carpio (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) | High-energy astrophysical transients as probes of neutrino physics |
1777 | 2024/07/18, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 藤本征史(University of Texas, Austin) | Quest for the Most Distant Universe |
1778 | 2024/07/22, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 平松大地(Center for Astrophysics) | Tracing the Final Moments of Massive Stars through Supernovae |
1779 | 2024/07/29, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 尾上匡房(東京大学/Kavli IPMU) | JWST初年度観測で見えてきた超巨大ブラックホール初期成長 |
1780 | 2024/09/03, 16:00- | N507 (大輪講室) | 井上昭雄(早稲田大学) | Exploring the early Universe through far-infrared nebular emission lines of galaxies |
1781 | 2024/09/09, 15:00- | N507 (大輪講室) | 大森クリストファー清顕 (愛媛大学) | Identification of galaxy mergers in the HSC-SSP and investigations on their role on galaxy evolution |
1782 | 2024/10/07, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Ehud Nakar (Tel Aviv) | Shock breakout from supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and binary neutron star mergers |
1783 | 2024/10/08, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 小山 佑世 (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) | Panoramic & microscopic views of galaxy evolution in distant clusters of galaxies (and an introduction to "ULTIMATE-Subaru" project) |
1784 | 2024/10/14, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 久世 陸 (東北大学) | Multi-wavelength emission from relativistic jets and magnetically arrested disks in nearby radio galaxies: Application to M87 |
1785 | 2024/10/14, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 桑田 明日香 (東北大学) | Large-scale magnetic field model of Gamma-ray burst afterglow polarization |
1786 | 2024/10/15, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 藤井 俊博 (大阪公立大学) | A next-generation astronomy using the universe's most energetic particles |
1787 | 2024/10/21, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 大工原 一貴 (東北大学) | Enhanced star formation activities and HI gas association in protoclusters at z=2 revealed by Subaru and JWST |
1788 | 2024/10/28, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 田中 智永 (東北大学) | Development of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for GroundBIRD experiment and their onsite calibrations |
1789 | 2024/10/28, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 土本 菜々恵 (東北大学) | Signatures of heavy elements in optical and near-infrared spectra of neutron star mergers |
1790 | 2024/11/11, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 石田 光 (東北大学) | Mapping galaxies in proto-supercluster at z=2.23 with QSO clustering |
1791 | 2024/11/11, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 高橋 宏典 (東北大学) | Investigating galaxy mass growth and quenching mechanisms one billion years after the Big Bang |
1792 | 2024/11/18, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 石川 諒 (東北大学) | Extracting mono-enriched stars based on machine learning for understanding the IMF of the first stars |
1793 | 2024/11/18, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 一ノ瀬 将也 (東北大学) | すばる望遠鏡レーザートモグラフィー補償光学に向けた波面センサーの調整手法の確立 |
1794 | 2024/11/25, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 北村 文里 (東北大学) | Linking Analytic Light Curve Models to Physical Properties of Kilonovae |
1795 | 2024/11/25, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 仲間 可南子 (東北大学) | |
1796 | 2024/11/28, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | Chris Done (Durham Univ.) | Black holes and rockets science! Using Galactic binaries to understand the physics of accretion flows and their jets |
1797 | 2024/12/02, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 敏蔭 星治 (東北大学) | |
1798 | 2024/12/02, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 松本 尚輝 (東北大学) | |
1799 | 2024/12/09, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 石田 怜士 (東北大学) | |
1800 | 2024/12/09, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 伊藤 茉那 (東北大学) | |
1801 | 2024/12/16, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 鈴木寛大 (JAXA/ISAS) | Thermal and non-thermal aspects of supernova remnants revealed with XRISM X-ray observations |
1802 | 2024/12/23, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | 和南城 伸也 (東北大学) | |
1803 | 2025/01/06, 15:00- | Aoba Science Hall | 西村優里 (東京大学 天文学教育研究センター) | |
1804 | 2025/01/1?, 15:00- | TBA | TBA | |
1805 | 2025/01/20, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | Stevanus Nuguroho (National Astronomical Observatory / Astrobiology Center) | |
1806 | 2025/01/27, 15:00- | 203 Science Complex A | Nick Ekanger |
2024/04/08 (Mon)
野田 博文(東北大学)
X-ray Observations and Detector Developments to Study the AGN Central Engine
The central engine which consists of an X-ray corona and accretion disk in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole is the origin of powerful radiation from an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). However, even its fundamental properties, such as its accretion state, geometric structure, and how these change with varying mass accretion rates have not yet been well understood. To establish the picture of the AGN central engine, we have performed X-ray and multi-wavelength observations of highly variable sources including changing-look AGNs which change their types in short timescales and are under much debate. In parallel, we have developed X-ray detectors onboard Japanese X-ray astronomical satellites, Hitomi and XRISM, to realize unprecedented X-ray spectral resolution for AGN studies. In this presentation, I introduce our observational studies, detector development, and prospects with XRISM for understanding the AGN central engine.
2024/04/15 (Mon)
石崎 渉(東北大学)
Fallback Accretion in Binary Neutron Star Mergers
The gravitational wave event GW170817 with a kilonova shows that a merger of two neutron stars ejects matter with radioactivity including r-process nucleosynthesis. A part of the ejecta inevitably falls back to the central object, possibly powering long-lasting activities of a short gamma-ray burst (sGRB). We investigate the fallback accretion with the r-process heating by performing 1D hydrodynamic simulations and developing a semi-analytical model. We show that the fallback is halted by the heating. The characteristic halting timescale is 104-8 sec for the GW170817-like r-process heating, which is long enough to continue the long-lasting emission of sGRBs.
Furthermore, I will present a new interpretation of the recently reported re-brightening in the annual-scale X-ray light curve of GW170817. We model the fallback of the merger ejecta and construct a simple light curve model from the accreting ejecta. We find that the X-ray flux excess can be well explained by the fallback of the post-merger ejecta rather than the dynamical ejecta.
If time allows, I would like to introduce a study on the decay of Alfven waves in strongly magnetized plasmas. This process is relevant not only to binary neutron star mergers but also to the general problem in high-energy astrophysics in the context of the conversion of electromagnetic field energy into matter energy.
2024/04/16 (Tue)
Ue-Li Pen(ASIAA)
FRBs: what are they and what are they good for?
Fast Radio Bursts are short, millisecond flashes thousands of times per day, distributed isotropically on the sky. I outline our current state of understanding for their nature and environment and their unique properties of cosmic probes. I describe the new BURSTT FRB initiative for ambitious instantaneous fish-eye coverage with VLBI localization across Asia, including Ogasawara and India.
2024/04/22 (Mon)
Ronaldo LAISHRAM(東北大学)
Cosmic Evolution and Environmental Dependence of Star Forming Activities and Morphologies
The distribution of galaxies in the universe is inhomogeneous, representing large-scale structures (LSS) that consist of galaxy clusters, groups, and the filaments that connect them. Understanding how galaxy characteristics are influenced by their environments and how they evolve over cosmic time within LSS is crucial. Utilizing dual narrow-band filters for precise redshift estimation, we investigate the environmental effects on star formation within large-scale structures. We explore star-forming activity and the spatial distribution of Hα and continuum emission at z=0.4, probing the cosmic web. We found that star formation in cluster core galaxies is more centrally concentrated and reduced compared to the field sample, which may imply the influence of ram-pressure stripping. We also explore the morphological features and star formation activities of [OII] emitters in the COSMOS UltraDeep field at z ∼ 1.5 using JWST NIRCam data from the COSMOS-Web survey and Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam. Furthermore, we report the discovery of large filamentary structures traced by [OII] emitters, surrounding an extremely overdense core with a galaxy number density ∼ 11× higher than the field average. Heightened star-forming activity was observed in dense regions, contrary to z=0.4, suggesting an environmental impact on early galaxy evolution. Additionally, we examine the redshift evolution of star-forming activities and morphology. Future studies will explore into the chemical abundance, gas content, and kinematics to comprehend the underlying processes.
2024/05/13 (Mon)
安部 大晟(東北大学)
Formation & Evolution of Star-forming Filaments in Molecular Clouds
Observations of molecular clouds indicate that dense filaments are the sites for present-day star formation. Therefore, it is crucial to understand filament formation and evolution, as these filaments provide the initial conditions for star formation. The width of filaments is a significant factor as it determines the fragmentation scale through self-gravity and affects the stellar masses to be formed. Observations suggest that the width has a universal value of 0.1 pc, regardless of the filament’s line mass. However, theoretical predictions suggest that the width of supercritical filaments (> 17 solar masses per pc) should contract due to self-gravity. Most simulations show a much narrower width due to strong gravity for massive filaments, and why massive filaments maintain their width of 0.1 pc has remained unexplained for more than ten years. Recent studies suggest that massive filaments (~100 solar masses per pc) are bound by slow mode shocks resulting from accretion flows onto the filaments. The wavefront of the slow mode shock is known to be unstable, and the corrugation of the shock front grows. This corrugation converts the accretion flow’s ram pressure into thermal/turbulent pressure across the shock front, possibly maintaining the filament’s width. In this study, we perform non-ideal MHD simulations to investigate filament evolution via slow shock instability, considering ambipolar diffusion, which is effective in dense filaments. We discovered slow shock instability including ambipolar diffusion drives anisotropic turbulence in the massive filament, named this new mechanism the “bullet mechanism”. We also conducted a simulation considering self-gravity and found that the bullet mechanism can sustain a realistic filament width, even for a filament as massive as ~100 solar masses per pc.
2024/05/17 (Fri)
Jeong-Gyu Kim(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Modeling Multiphase, Star-forming ISM with UV Radiation Feedback from Massive Stars
UV radiation emitted by massive stars is the major source of heating and ionization in the interstellar medium (ISM). H II regions created by ionizing photons photoevaporate and expel giant molecular clouds, controlling their star formation efficiency and lifetime. Far-UV photons escaping into the large-scale ISM produce the interstellar radiation field, which in turn sets the thermal pressure of diffuse neutral gas via grain photoelectric heating. The efficiency with which UV radiation (and supernovae) feedback recovers the ISM pressure required to meet the vertical dynamical equilibrium determines the galactic star formation rate. Drawing from recent theoretical models and numerical simulations of multiphase, star-forming ISM with UV radiation feedback, I will overview our current understanding of how stellar UV radiation interacts with the surrounding ISM and how this affects star formation and multiphase structure on both cloud and galactic scales.
2024/05/20 (Mon)
Hefan Li(東北大学)
Measuring the influence of the LMC on the Milky Way based on velocity ellipsoid
The Milky Way evolved by accreting nearby dwarf galaxies. In this process, these galaxies are tidally disrupted and leave behind stellar streams and substructures in the Milky Way halo. On the other hand, they are affecting the Milky Way in a number of ways. Here, we study the velocity zero point of the inner halo caused by the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), the most massive galaxy near the Milky Way. By collecting data from several large surveys, a large data set of stars is assembled. The distances, ages, initial stellar masses, and reddenings for the stars are computed using the calibrated atmospheric parameters and Gaia-DR3 photometry. We kinematically and chemically select halo stars and measure the reflection motion at different locations based on their velocity ellipsoids. In addition, we find that the reflection motion reduces the radial dominance of the anisotropic parameters, thereby affecting estimates of the Milky Way mass.
2024/05/27 (Mon)
和田 知己(東北大学)
Magnetar Bursting Activities: X-ray and Radio Transients
Magnetars are neutron stars whose photospheric luminosities are higher than their spin-down luminosities. They have strong magnetic fields of ∼ 1015 G, believed to be the source of their high photospheric luminosities. Magnetars frequently exhibit bursting activities in X-rays, such as short bursts, outbursts, and giant flares. Magnetars are also strong candidates for fast radio bursts, mysterious radio transients. There are many observational results about magnetar bursting activities, but many aspects remain unclear, such as the triggers of the bursts, the emission mechanisms of fast radio bursts, and the potential for other signals.
We study the bursting activities of magnetars. First, we study a possible triggering mechanism of the bursts. We focus on the Dzhanibekov effect in magnetars, which is a kind of free precession, and suggest that this effect may trigger bursting activities. Second, we study a plasma outflow that can be formed during the bursts. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that the outflow can be accelerated to ultra-relativistic velocities through radiative acceleration in a strong magnetic field. The ultra-relativistic outflow can be the energy budget for fast radio bursts. Third, we study the neutrino emission from magnetar bursts. We evaluate the neutrino luminosity from the ultra-relativistic outflow in the magnetar bursts and discuss the possibility of detecting high-energy neutrinos from magnetar bursts. Based on these studies, we discuss the origins and consequences of the magnetar bursting activities.
2024/05/31 (Fri)
Juan Pablo Alfonzo(東北大学)
Katachi (形): Decoding the Imprints of Past Star Formation on Present-Day Morphology in Galaxies with Interpretable CNNs
The physical processes responsible for shaping how galaxies form and quench over time leave imprints on both the spatial (galaxy morphology) and temporal (star formation history; SFH) tracers that we use to study galaxies. While the morphology-SFR connection is well studied, the correlation with past star formation activity is not as well understood. To quantify this we present Katachi (形), an interpretable convolutional neural network (CNN) framework that learns the connection between the factors regulating star formation in galaxies on different spatial and temporal scales. Katachi is trained on 9904 galaxies at 0.02<z<0.1 in the SDSS-IV MaNGA DR17 sample to predict stellar mass (M∗; RMSE 0.22 dex), current star formation rate (SFR; RMSE 0.31 dex) and half-mass time (t50; RMSE 0.23 dex). This information allows us to reconstruct non-parametric SFHs for each galaxy from gri imaging alone. To quantify the morphological features informing the SFH predictions we use SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations). We recover the expected trends of M∗ governed by the growth of galaxy bulges, and SFR correlating with spiral arms and other star-forming regions. We also find the SHAP maps of D4000 are more complex than those of M∗ and SFR, and that morphology is correlated with t50 even at fixed mass and SFR. Katachi serves as a scalable public framework to predict galaxy properties from large imaging surveys including Rubin, Roman, and Euclid, with large datasets of high SNR imaging across limited photometric bands.
2024/06/10 (Mon)
Ryuji Suzuki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Personal views of astronomical instrumentation and how to build/plan new instruments
This talk picks up some aspects of instrumentation for the ground-based opt-IR astronomy with a focus on the instrumentation in the carrier path, how to build an instrument, and how to plan a new instrument. The talk aims to introduce the ground-based opt-IR instrumentation to those who are not familiar with it, including researchers in different fields, students, and young researchers who are interested in the instrumentation as a part of their career.
I will start the talk by defining the instrumentation in the field of astronomy in relation to the other fields, and emphasize the importance of instrumentation in historical perspective as well as in the career of a researcher. The project size, one of the important aspects of instrumentation, is discussed in the context of an early stage of the carrier path. Some examples are given to illustrate typical instrumentation project phases and milestones as well as the possible team structure scenarios that you may need to build an instrument.
The last part of this talk is devoted to the instrumentation in a big project, how scientists are involved in the project, and how to plan the new instrument which is one of the goals of the ongoing TMT-ACCESS workshop. I will walk the audience through a requirement flow from science cases to the instrument in case of TMT.
2024/06/11 (Tue)
Evan Kirby (University of Notre Dame)
The Extremes of Resolved Stellar Spectroscopy
The study of dwarf galaxies with existing spectroscopic instruments and techniques
has reached the point of diminishing returns. I will describe the measurement of
radial velocities and abundances of individual stars in dwarf galaxies at the threshold
of spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. First, I will address measurements
from Keck/DEIMOS. I will discuss the case of Andromeda XVIII, at a distance of 1.3 Mpc,
which is a possible backsplash galaxy after passing through M31's halo.
I will also describe chemical measures of star formation histories in classical dSphs
with neutron-capture elements. Finally, I will discuss the promise of
the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) in using dwarf galaxies to learn the nature of
dark matter and to study chemical evolution at galactic subscales.
2024/06/12 (Wed)
Benedetta Vulcani (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)
Not all the action is in clusters: environmental effects on field galaxies
Galaxies inhabit a wide range of environments and therefore are affected by different physical mechanisms. While environmental effects are typically deemed significant mainly within galaxy clusters, even outside clusters, galaxies can be significantly affected by external processes connected to their position within the cosmic web. First, I will discuss the role of filaments in affecting galaxy properties in the local Universe, by focusing on the filaments flowing onto Virgo, the closest cluster to us. Next, exploiting the data from the GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies (GASP) survey I will discuss the multitude of mechanisms that can affect galaxies in isolation, groups and filaments. Spatially resolved maps combined with the knowledge of the hosting environment are indeed very powerful for classifying galaxies by physical process. I will show how a single group can host galaxies undergoing many different processes, such as starvation, ram pressure stripping and gas accretion. I will also show how filaments can assist gas cooling and increase the star formation in the densest regions in the circumgalactic gas of the galaxies flowing through them. I will then show examples of galaxy-galaxy interactions, mergers, and cosmic web stripping. I will emphasise the successes and limitations of a visual optical selection in identifying the processes that deplete galaxies of their gas content and probes the power of IFU data in pinning down the acting mechanism. Future facilities will allow to perform similar analyses at higher redshifts.
2024/06/17 (Mon)
北島 歓大(名古屋大学)
An Origin of Narrow Extended Structure in the Interstellar Medium: An Interstellar Contrail Created by a Fast-moving Massive Object
The filamentary structure is the general morphology of the interstellar medium. Their length varies from less than 1 pc to over 100 pc. The formation process of long filaments is still unknown, although the formation process of filaments has been extensively studied.
We investigate the thermal condensation caused by a massive object such as a black hole that passes through the interstellar medium with high velocity, and propose a mechanism for creating a filamentary gaseous object, or interstellar contrail. Our main result shows that a long interstellar contrail can form with a certain parameter; a compact object more massive than 104 solar masses can make a filament whose length is larger than 100 pc. Observation of interstellar contrails may provide information on the number, masses, and velocities of fast-moving massive objects, and can be a new method for probing invisible gravitating sources such as intermediate-mass black holes.
2024/06/24 (Mon)
藤林 翔(東北大学)
Mass ejection and nucleosynthesis in binary neutron star mergers
Binary neutron star merger is a fascinating astrophysical phenomenon in many aspects: It is one of the primary targets of gravitational wave detectors, it triggers various astrophysical transients in association with its mass ejection activities, and it is one of the promising sites for heavy element synthesis in the Universe. The merger is a highly non-linear process, including general relativistic gravity, hydrodynamics, magnetism, and microphysics. Therefore, numerical simulation is a crucial way to understand the merger process quantitatively. In this talk, I will present current understandings of binary neutron star mergers based on recent numerical simulations, mainly focusing on mass ejection and nucleosynthesis.
2024/07/01 (Mon)
鳥羽 儀樹(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Insights into AGN activity in galaxy groups/clusters: a statistical study with Subaru HSC survey
In this talk, I will present our study on the properties of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in approximately one million member galaxies of galaxy groups and clusters with redshift z_cl < 1.4, selected using the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey. We defined the AGN fraction in two ways: the AGN number fraction and the AGN energy fraction and investigated their dependence on the cluster redshift and the distance from the cluster center. Our findings reveal a positive correlation between the AGN number/energy fraction, with higher values for IR-AGNs at the outskirts of the clusters. We also have tentative evidence that cluster–cluster mergers could enhance AGN activity in the outskirts of massive galaxy clusters. These findings highlight the significant role of high-redshift galaxy groups and clusters in the evolution of AGNs. The seminar will delve into the implications of these results to understand the emergence of AGNs from a multi-wavelength and cluster dynamics perspective (Hashiguchi, Toba et al. 2023, PASJ, 75, 1246; Toba et al. 2024, ApJ, 967, 65).
2024/07/08 (Mon)
鈴木 昭宏(東京大学)
GRB jets colliding with massive circum-stellar materials and associated electromagnetic transients
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most energetic stellar explosion in the universe.
Long-duration GRBs are supposed to arise from collapsing massive stars with an ultra-relativistic.jet.
The launched jet penetrates the star and then emit electromagnetic signals from radio to gamma-ray.
But, their progenitor, jet production, and radiation mechanisms are still largely unclear.
Some underluminous GRBs (low-luminosity GRBs) are supposed to be produced by GRB jets deeply embedded in massive circum-stellar materials (CSMs).
The presence of such CSMs can dissipate a considerable fraction the jet kinetic energy, which is channeled to less collimated ejecta component traveling at mildly relativistic speeds.
The mildly relativistic ejecta is also expected to outshine radiation across electromagnetic spectrum.
Such systems with less gamma-ray brightness could also be a neutrino source and are now paid a lot of attention in the context of multi-messenger astronomy.
Recently, we carried out a series of 3D hydrodynamic simulations of GRB jet with massive CSMs and investigate the dynamical property of the mildly relativistic ejecta.
In this talk, I introduce our results and discuss expected electromagnetic signals from GRB jet with massive CSM.
2024/07/10 (Wed)
Jose Carpio(University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
High-energy astrophysical transients as probes of neutrino physics
Neutrinos are a unique probe of high-energy astrophysical processes. Being able to escape dense environments due to their weak interactions with matter, they help us understand the microphysics and mechanisms of the sources. In particular, high-energy neutrino transients play an important role as signatures of hadronic interactions and particle acceleration. In this talk, I will discuss the particle physics processes involved in neutrino production and how we can use them to study astrophysical sources. We first cover the case of newborn magnetars, which can accelerate cosmic rays to ultrahigh energies. Hadronic interactions between cosmic rays and surrounding material can produce not only pions, but heavier mesons as well, resulting in a unique neutrino signal beyond PeV energies. We then consider the neutrino emission from the next galactic supernova. Such an event can be accompanied by GeV neutrinos from neutron-loaded outflows, which can be observed by the next-generation neutrino detectors.
2024/07/18 (Thu)
藤本征史(University of Texas, Austin)
Quest for the Most Distant Universe
Finding and characterizing the earliest systems are crucial for answering fundamental cosmological questions such as the emergence of the first galaxies and black holes (BHs), as well as the cosmic reionization process. The advent of JWST has advanced our capability to detect and analyze systems from the early universe, with current candidates reaching out to z~17. Simultaneously, submm/mm observations have gained prominence, providing complementary insights into the cold dust and gas characteristics and helping to verify the authenticity of ultra-high-redshift galaxy candidates against dusty lower-redshift interlopers. In this talk, I will provide an overview of my recent quest for the most distant universe. My strategy synergizes JWST, ALMA, and Gravitational Lensing to enable the most sensitive and comprehensive investigations of the earliest epochs. My systematic JWST spectroscopic survey corroborates the high abundance of z > 9 galaxies recently claimed from photometric measurements, and I will discuss its possible origins based on their initial characterizations. I have also derived the infrared luminosity function by establishing the largest faint ALMA mm sample to date. This enables the first direct attempt to quantify the total (=unobscured + dust-obscured) cosmic star formation history up to z~8, unveiling an additional star-forming component that contributes ~60% more than previously estimated from optical-NIR surveys. The underlying physics taking place in early galaxies, which is responsible for these statistical results, will be discussed based on the initial results from a total of ~160hrs of my ongoing JWST+ALMA+MUSE programs dedicated to a single lensed galaxy at z=6. Looking ahead, I will also introduce the most efficient survey design for further exploration of the most distant universe in the future.
2024/07/22 (Mon)
平松大地(Center for Astrophysics)
Tracing the Final Moments of Massive Stars through Supernovae
Supernovae are the terminal explosions of massive stars with influences on every astrophysical scale. Advanced wide-field and high-cadence transient surveys routinely discover supernovae near the moment of explosion. Coupled with prompt and continuous follow-up facilities, these observations have revealed unprecedented features of dense circumstellar medium in various spatial scales as traced by the expanding supernova ejecta. Such circumstellar medium is thought to originate from mass-loss activities in the final years to decades of stellar evolution; however, their inferred densities exceed the expectations from standard theory by many orders of magnitude. In this talk, I will first introduce standard stellar evolution and supernova explosion mechanisms, and then describe novel observational probes and modeling techniques of supernovae (interacting with circumstellar medium) to reconstruct their explosion properties and progenitor mass-loss histories. Finally, I will discuss our on-going largest sample study of interacting supernovae and emerging pictures of dramatic dying breaths of massive stars.
2024/07/29 (Mon)
尾上匡房(東京大学/Kavli IPMU)
本講演ではビッグバン後10億年未満の初期宇宙に存在する活動的な超巨大ブラックホール(クェーサー)の初期成長の様子について、すばる望遠鏡とジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡(JWST)を使った最新の観測成果を中心にご紹介する。遠方クェーサーは2000年代のSloan Digital Sky Surveyを皮切りに現在までに300を超える数が報告されているが、サーベイ観測の深さが足りないことによって最も明るい対象にバイアスされていた。2014年より開始したすばる望遠鏡Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC)による広視野サーベイは、従来より10倍程度暗いクェーサーまで探査することができる、世界的に見ても競争力の高いプロジェクトである。我々の研究チームは本プロジェクトによって発見された低光度のクェーサーをJWSTで追観測することにより、遠方宇宙における母銀河の質量とブラックホール質量の分布を制限することを目指している。JWST / NIRCamで観測された最初のターゲットから空間的に広がった母銀河を検出し、これは遠方クェーサーとしては世界で初めての成果となった。またNIRSpecの分光観測データからは、母銀河の星形成活動が抑制されたポスト・スターバースト銀河の兆候が2天体について観測された。本講演では、まず遠方クェーサー観測の概観から始め、自身が関わるその他のJWST観測の成果についても時間が許す限りご紹介したい。
2024/09/03 (Tue)
Exploring the early Universe through far-infrared nebular emission lines of galaxies
To understand physical processes of the galaxy formation and cosmic reionization,
observations of nebular emission lines in high redshift galaxies are essentially important.
Far-infrared nebular emission lines such as [CII] 158 um and [OIII] 88 um lines are targets with ALMA.
I will review ALMA observations for these emission lines in the epoch of reionization,
especially emphasizing [OIII] observations conducted by an international team including myself.
I will also present recent observational comparisons between ALMA and JWST. The latter observes
optical nebular emission lines having complimentary information to far-infrared lines.
Finally I will discuss future prospects of galaxy formation studies in the early Universe
by using wide-field survey space telescopes such as Euclid, Roman, and GREX-PLUS.
2024/09/09 (Mon)
大森クリストファー清顕 (愛媛大学)
Identification of galaxy mergers in the HSC-SSP and investigations on their role on galaxy evolution
In the currently accepted cosmological framework, hierarchical merging is considered to be the primary pathway for structure growth and evolution in the Universe. In the context of galaxies, this occurs through galaxy interactions and mergers, or the process where multiple galaxies merge to become one larger galaxy. Galaxy interactions and mergers also are known triggers for numerous processes pertaining to galaxy evolution, such as star formation, galaxy chemical evolution, and active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity. As such, galaxy interactions and mergers are a very key process when discussing galaxy evolution. However, the relative role of galaxy interactions and mergers on galaxy evolution-related processes is still under debate. One reason for this is the difficulty in identifying galaxy mergers in observational data. In this work, we present a machine-learning based method for merger identification within the HSC-SSP. Our merger classifier is built upon Zoobot (Walmsley et al. 2023) - a deep representation learning model trained on DeCALS images and citizen science labels. We present the fine-tuning of Zoobot using both observational and simulational based images. We present our findings on a) the relationship between galaxy mergers and environment, and b) the relationship between galaxy mergers and AGN activity, based on mergers identified using each of our models.
2024/10/07 (Mon)
Ehud Nakar (Tel Aviv)
Shock breakout from supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and binary neutron star mergers
Any stellar explosions trigger radiation-mediated shocks (RMS) that cross the star and break out when the optical depth ahead is too low to sustain the shock. The photons released during shock breakout mark the first electromagnetic signal of any cosmic explosion, and they carry unique information about the medium from which the shock emerged, including geometry, radius, composition, and density profile. In my talk, I will discuss the unique properties of radiation-mediated shocks and describe the resulting breakout signal in a variety of cosmic explosions, including various types of supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and binary neutron star mergers. I will highlight what we have learned from shock breakout observations until now, and what we expect to learn during the next decade.
2024/10/08 (Tue)
小山 佑世 (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Panoramic & microscopic views of galaxy evolution in distant clusters of galaxies (and an introduction to "ULTIMATE-Subaru" project)
The formation and evolution of galaxies is strongly influenced by their surrounding environment. Galaxies in the present-day galaxy clusters are predominantly massive and quiescent with elliptical morphologies - but we do not know when and how the nature of those cluster galaxies are shaped in the course of structure formation of the universe. I present a summary of our recent efforts to track down the history of cluster galaxies across ~10 Gyrs cosmic time (out to z~2.5), based on our "panoramic" observations (with Subaru), and the subsequent "microscopic" observational approaches (with HST/JWST). If time allows, I will also present an overview and the current status of the "ULTIMATE-Subaru" project. This project aims to develop a wide-field adaptive optics system (GLAO) on Subaru, to greatly enhance the scientific capabilities of Subaru Telescope toward 2030s.
2024/10/14 (Mon)
久世 陸 (東北大学)
Multi-wavelength emission from relativistic jets and magnetically arrested disks in nearby radio galaxies: Application to M87
活動銀河核の一部である電波銀河は中心部から相対論的なジェットが噴出していることが確認されている。一部の電波銀河からは電波から高エネルギーガンマ線まで多波長の光子スペクトルが観測されているもののその放射機構、放射領域はわかっていない。多波長放射機構の解明は、ジェットや降着円盤の物理や高エネルギー宇宙線の加速機構の解明につながる。電波銀河中心部の磁場が強い降着円盤(Magnetically Arrested Disks: MAD)では乱流による粒子加熱・加速が効率的に働き、MADからの放射でミリ波・サブミリ波、ガンマ線の観測データを説明できる。しかし、電波からX線の観測データは説明できず、その放射源としてジェットからの放射が考えられる。そこで我々は、ブラックホール磁気圏での磁気リコネクションによる粒子注入と周りのガスからの混入を考慮したジェット・降着円盤からの多波長放射モデルを構築し、観測されている多波長の光子スペクトルを説明できる物理状態を考察した。ジェット根元での磁化率パラメータと降着円盤からの放射は質量降着率に依存しているため、質量降着率を介してジェットからの放射と降着円盤からの放射が関係づく。このモデルをM87に適用した結果、同時多波長観測データを説明するためには周りのガスからの多量の粒子混入が必要であることが明らかになった。我々のモデルでは波長ごとに放射領域が異なるため、多波長の時間変動を観測することで我々のモデルをテストすることができる。
2024/10/14 (Mon)
桑田 明日香 (東北大学)
Large-scale magnetic field model of Gamma-ray burst afterglow polarization
これまで、磁場の増幅機構としては、プラズマ不安定と磁気流体不安定の二つが考えられてきた。しかし、いずれの機構でも現実的な設定でシミュレーションによる検証を行うことは困難であり、未だ観測が示唆する強い磁場の起源は不明である。そのため本研究では、二つの増幅機構で増幅される乱流磁場のスケールが10桁程度も異なることに着目し、そのスケールの大小を観測的に検証できる唯一の手段であるシンクロトロン偏光を用いて、この問題に決着をつけることを試みた。偏光の理論モデルは、プラズマ不安定で増幅される小スケールの乱流磁場では精力的に研究され、観測と比較されている(Sari 1999; Shimoda & Toma 2021)が、一部の観測と非整合である。そこで、本研究では、磁気流体不安定で増幅される大スケールの乱流磁場の定量的研究を初めて行い、偏光の準解析的モデルを構築した(Kuwata et al. 2023)。さらに構築したモデルにおいて、磁場の非等方性や観測者のジェット見込み角、一様磁場の影響を網羅的に調査した(Kuwata et al. submitted)。その結果、本モデルが既存の全ての偏光観測と整合的であるという示唆を得た。本講演では、大スケール磁場モデルの観測的予言やその検証方法について議論する。
2024/10/15 (Tue)
藤井 俊博 (大阪公立大学)
A next-generation astronomy using the universe's most energetic particles
Clarifying origins and acceleration mechanisms of the most energetic particles in the universe has been a decades-long endeavor, being one of the most intriguing mysteries in an interdisciplinary research among astroparticle physics, high-energy physics and nuclear physics. Since ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) are deflected less strongly by the Galactic and extra-galactic magnetic fields due to their enormous kinetic energies, their arrival directions are ostensively correlated with their origins. A next-generation “astronomy” using UHECRs is hence a potentially viable probe to unravel mysteries of extremely energetic phenomena in the nearby universe. In this talk, I will highlight an introductory cosmic-ray physics, detection techniques and latest results of the two giant observatories in operation; Telescope Array experiment and Pierre Auger Observatory, including their on-going upgrades and then address scientific objectives, requirements and developments for future UHECR observatories.
2024/10/21 (Mon)
大工原 一貴 (東北大学)
Enhanced star formation activities and HI gas association in protoclusters at z=2 revealed by Subaru and JWST
遠方の原始銀河の性質を理解することは、現在の銀河団銀河の形成史を制約する上で重要な課題である。銀河の形成と進化に対する局所環境の影響については、これまで多くの研究が行われてきた。しかし、高赤方偏移では、環境の役割はあまり理解されていない。そこで、我々はz=2にある3つの原始銀河団に対して、すばる望遠鏡とJWSTの狭帯域撮像観測を行い、原始銀河団に棲む星形成銀河の性質について調査を行った。特に、これまでにない深さの撮像観測を行った蜘蛛の巣原始銀河団とUSS1558原始銀河団では、小質量銀河で爆発的な星形成活動をした銀河が多く存在することが分かった。これは、原始銀河団内では銀河間の相互作用や衝突が頻繁に起こることやcosmic webからの冷たいガスを効率よく供給できるためだと考えられる。さらに、フィラメント状をした非常にユニークな原始銀河団HS1700についても同様に星形成銀河について調査を行った。このフィラメントの存在は、この原始銀河団がより若く、激しい集団形成段階にあることを示唆している。このユニークな原始銀河団を、Lyα 、Hα、[OIII]の3つの狭帯域フィルターを用いて調査を行った結果、事実星形成活動が活発で、かつLyαエミッターは銀河の高密度領域かつフィラメントを避けるように分布することが分かった。この傾向は、Lyα光子がHIガスによって共鳴散乱されたり、ダストに吸収されたりすることが原因であると考えられる。そして、またこのフィラメント上と銀河団中心に存在する星形成銀河は、それ以外に居るものよりも重いことが分かった。これは銀河が効率的にガスを獲得することができ、加速的な銀河進化をしてきたためであると考えられる。最後に、z=7の極端な輝線銀河(EELG)の高密度領域を発見した結果についても紹介する。この領域は、単なる銀河の過密領域ではなく、EELGの過密領域である点が特徴的である。このような星形成が活発な過密領域は、初期宇宙において高密度領域周辺に電離バブルが形成されたという考えを支持している。
2024/10/28 (Mon)
田中 智永 (東北大学)
Development of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for GroundBIRD experiment and their onsite calibrations
GroundBIRDは、望遠鏡を仰角60~70度に傾けて20RPMという高速で回転させることで、大気揺らぎを克服して、地上から再電離バンプの測定が可能となる独創的なCMB偏光観測実験である。観測帯域は145GHz帯、220GHz帯で、超伝導検出器の中でも反応速度が圧倒的に速いMicrowave Kinetic Inductance Detectors(MKIDs)を搭載している。検出器数は145GHz帯では23 × 6chip=138pixels、220GHz帯では23 × 1chip=23pixelsである。私が主導してデザインし、オランダ宇宙研究所、デルフト工科大学で作成した。2023年4月に私が実験室で性能評価実験を行い、検出器が期待通りの性能を示していることを確かめた。2023年5月に、これらをGroundBIRD望遠鏡へインストールし、本観測が開始された。観測は、遠隔操作で基本的に24時間体制で実施している。CMB観測データ蓄積と並行して、月や惑星の観測を行い、検出器の応答やビームパターンの性能較正を行っている。
2024/10/28 (Mon)
土本 菜々恵 (東北大学)
Signatures of heavy elements in optical and near-infrared spectra of neutron star mergers
宇宙における重元素の起源のうち、金やプラチナなど速い中性子捕獲元素合成 (rプロセス) を必要とする元素の起源は明らかになっていない。その起源天体の有力な候補が連星中性子星の合体現象である。2つの中性子星が合体すると中性子星の一部が宇宙空間に放出され、rプロセスにより合成された元素の放射性崩壊によって電磁波放射「キロノバ」が引き起こされる。2017年に中性子星合体からの重力波 (GW10817) とそれに伴うキロノバが観測されたことで、確かに中性子星合体でrプロセスが起きていることが確認されている。一方、2017年の観測では合体後10日頃まで詳細な可視光・赤外線スペクトルが取得されたものの、元素の同定の困難から、実際に合成された元素の種類もわからない状況が続いていた。そこで、我々は元素の同定に必要な重元素の束縛-束縛遷移の原子データを構築し、輻射輸送シミュレーションを用いてキロノバのスペクトルを計算することで、キロノバのスペクトルにおける吸収特徴から元素の同定を行った。その結果、可視光域の吸収特徴をストロンチウム、赤外線の吸収特徴をランタン、セリウムで説明できることを明らかにした。さらに、これらの吸収特徴を用い、中性子星合体で合成・放出された元素の割合や、元素合成の物理的環境に制限を与えることができた。
2024/11/11 (Mon)
石田 光 (東北大学)
Mapping galaxies in proto-supercluster at z=2.23 with QSO clustering
銀河の形成と進化は周囲の環境と密接な関係にあることが知られているが、その詳細なプロセスは完全には理解されていない。環境と深い繋がりを持つ現象として注目されているのが、クエーサーである。クエーサーは宇宙で最も明るく輝く天体の一つであり、その強力な放射光は母銀河や周辺の銀河の形成・進化に大きな影響を与えてきたと考えられている。また、クエーサーは一般的にガスの豊富な銀河同士の合体によって発現したと考えられているため、銀河合体が起きやすい高密度な領域において見つかると期待される。しかし、クエーサーがどのような環境で発現し、周囲にどれほど影響を及ぼすのかについては、さまざまな観測間で異なる結果が得られており、明らかになっていない。我々はクエーサーが複数群れた2QZ clusterと呼ばれる領域に着目し、Hα輝線に対応するナローバンド撮像データを用いることで周辺の星形成銀河の環境を調査した。結果、現在までに銀河団程度の質量に成長する可能性があるHα輝線銀河の高密度領域を周囲に複数発見し、それらがフィラメント状につながるような構造が見られた。また、先行研究で分光同定された同じ時代の銀河団と比較すると、星形成銀河の過密度が弱いことがわかった。また、クエーサーの放射による周囲の星形成に対する影響を見積もったところ、一般的なフィールドと有意な差が見られなかった。これらのことから、複数のクエーサーが群れている領域は大スケールでは高密度領域と関連しているが、それぞれのクエーサーは同じ時代の最も重いハローに必ずしも住んでいるわけではない可能性が示唆された。
2024/11/11 (Mon)
高橋 宏典 (東北大学)
Investigating galaxy mass growth and quenching mechanisms one billion years after the Big Bang
銀河内で星形成が進むと、それを抑制するフィードバックが働き、最終的に星形成が停止(quench)すると考えられている。この要因は超新星爆発や活動銀河核(AGN)、銀河周辺環境の影響など多岐にわたる。銀河がどのように星を作って成長し、quenchするかを解明することは、銀河進化における物理過程を理解する鍵となる。私はquenchして約1億年が経過したとみられる、3600Å付近に顕著なスペクトルの段差(バルマーブレイク)を持つ銀河に注目し、その候補天体のサンプルを構築した。これまで、バルマーブレイクを持つ大質量銀河(>10^11 Msun)を探査するためにRubyRushプログラムを推進し、すばる望遠鏡/SWIMSの観測から得られた候補天体に対して分光追観測を行ったほか、他の領域での探査も行ってきた。しかし、すばる望遠鏡やKeck望遠鏡を用いた分光追観測では、赤方偏移5と推定された天体が実際には異なる赤方偏移を持つことが判明した。現在その原因について調査中であり、本発表ではその途中経過と今後の展望を紹介する。また関連研究としてJWSTの公開データを使用し、赤方偏移5-6に存在する4つのバルマーブレイク銀河のスペクトル解析も行った。その結果、銀河全体は星形成を停止したばかりであるが、ダストの多い局所的な星形成領域やAGNが存在することが示唆された。特に1つの天体について、撮像データを用いた解析により、低質量銀河(~109 Msun)では、超新星爆発により外側のガスが放出され、ガスの流入がなければ銀河内部の星形成やAGNも徐々に弱まる"Outside-in quenching"が起こりうることを観測的に示した。
2024/11/18 (Mon)
石川 諒 (東北大学)
Extracting mono-enriched stars based on machine learning for understanding the IMF of the first stars
To unravel the history of galaxy formation, it is important to know the properties of the first stars (PopIII) in order to seek the beginning of the galaxy. Since first stars are assumed to have a larger mass distribution than the present stars, i.e. top-heavier IMF, they are unlikely to observe directly.Although theoretical predictions of chemical enrichment are currently made on the basis of nucleosynthesis models to predict how much of various elements are produced by supernovae, there is no statistical discussion based on observations of a large number of objects.
By identifying stars that have been enriched by supernovae only once (mono-enriched stars) from stars enriched by multiple supernovae (multi-enriched stars), we can determine the effects of single supernova nucleosynthesis through observation. This allows us to deduce the compositions, luminosities, and masses of the first stars that underwent supernovae. In this study, we focus on second-generation stars and attempt to extract mono-enriched stars from extremely metal-poor stars (EMPs) using machine learning.
We employed the method from previous studies (Hartwig+23) and constructed a machine learning model to distinguish mono-enriched stars from multi-enriched stars using the nucleosynthesis yield model from Pop III supernovae (Ishigaki+18) as training data. We applied this model to observational data of EMP stars extracted from the SAGA database. In particular, we investigated how the results vary with assumptions about the initial mass function (IMF) in addition to those made in previous studies. From the analysis of mono-enriched stars in this study, we infer that a significant fraction of first stars are likely existed not in isolation but in systems with multiple stars, which is consistent with findings from fluid-dynamics simulation studies. In this talk, we will discuss the validity of the mothod and detailed analysis results.
2024/11/18 (Mon)
一ノ瀬 将也 (東北大学)
地上望遠鏡で天体観測を行う場合、大気揺らぎによって天体からの光の波面が乱れ、天体像かがぼやけてしまう。この波面の乱れを補正し、高い解像度を得るための技術を補償光学(AO)という。従来のAOシステムは、単一のレーザーガイド星(LGS) を用いて波面の乱れを測定・補正するが、"コーン効果"と呼ばれる、観測天体とLGSの光路の違いによる補償精度の低下が課題である。この問題の解決策の一つが、レーザートモグラフィー補償光学(LTAO)である。
2024/11/25 (Mon)
北村 文里 (東北大学)
Linking Analytic Light Curve Models to Physical Properties of Kilonovae
連星中性子星の合体現象は、速い中性子捕獲反応(r プロセス)が起きる有力な候補天体である。中性子星合体には物質の放出が伴い、理論的には重い元素からなるdynamical ejecta と、比較的軽い元素からなるpost-merger ejectaからなる2成分放出物質の存在が予想され、放出物質は放射性崩壊をエネルギー源として電磁波放射「キロノバ」 を起こす。キロノバの光度や持続期間は放出された物質の質量・速度、元素の種類に依存するため、キロノバの光度曲線からそれらの物理量を推定することで中性子星合体における質量放出と重元素合成を検証することができる。実際、Villar et al. (2017) などの先行研究では、超新星爆発に使われる解析的モデルを用いた物理量推定がこれまで行われてきた。しかし、観測例のGW170817 に対して推定された物理量と数値相対論シミュレーションの結果が示唆する各ejecta の性質は大きく異なり、その原因は理解されていなかった。本研究では、数値相対論シミュレーションを初期条件とした輻射輸送シミュレーションの結果を観測データとして利用することで、解析的モデルで推定されるパラメータの物理的意味の理解を試みた。その結果、推定される物理量がシミュレーションの初期条件を必ずしも再現しないことことが明らかになった。さらに、この違いの原因が、解析的モデルにおいて2成分のejectaからの放射の相互作用を無視していることであると特定することができた。一方で、ejecta全体の質量の推定は比較的精度が高いことが分かった。発表では、物理量推定のモデル依存性や、実際の観測の条件に対する依存性に関しても議論する。
2024/11/25 (Mon)
仲間 可南子 (東北大学)
2024/11/28 (Thu)
Chris Done (Durham Univ.)
Black holes and rockets science! Using Galactic binaries to understand the physics of accretion flows and their jets
I will show how we now use the X-rays from accreting black holes in our own galaxy to test General Relativity in the strong field limit, with observational evidence for the event horizon, last stable circular orbit and, most recently, Lense-Thirring precession as the origin of the strong, low frequency quasi-periodic oscillations seen in these systems. Not only does this solve the 25 year mystery of the nature of these signals, it also addresses more recent controversies over the nature and geometry of the accretion flow in this state.
2024/12/16 (Mon)
鈴木寛大 (JAXA/ISAS)
Thermal and non-thermal aspects of supernova remnants revealed with XRISM X-ray observations
Supernova remnants are cosmic factories where vast amounts of explosion energy are converted into various forms of energy including kinetic energy, gas heating (thermal energy), and particle acceleration (non-thermal energy). How this conversion is going on is of great importance both from the astronomical and physical perspectives, as supernova remnants play a key role in the Galaxy evolution while providing ideal laboratory for understanding the fundamental physics of nucleosynthesis, supernova explosion, and shock and plasma physics. X-ray observations enable us to investigate the properties of thermal and non-thermal particles.
X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) is the Japan’s 7th X-ray astronomical satellite, which is equipped with the microcalorimeter Resolve and large field-of-view CCD camera Xtend in combination with X-ray mirror assemblies. XRISM was successfully launched in September 2023 and observed several bright supernova remnants such as Cassiopeia A, N132D, and W49B. With performance exceeding expectations, XRISM data provide brand new information of metal abundances, ion temperatures, and gas kinematics. I will review what we have learned from these observations and present future prospects.
FY2023 (#1718-#1759)
FY2022 (#1676-#1717)
FY2021 (#1645-#1675)
FY2020 (#1614-#1644)
FY2019 (#1570-#1613)
FY2018 (#1528-#1569)
FY2017 (#1487-#1527)
FY2016 (#1447-#1486)
FY2015 (#1406-#1446)
FY2014 (#1380-#1405)
FY2013 (#1355-#1379)
FY2012 (#1328-#1354)
FY2011 (#1302-#1327)
FY2010 (#1282-#1301)
FY2009 (#1249-#1281)
FY2008 (#1225-#1248)
FY2007 (#1191-#1224)
FY2006 (#1155-#1190)
FY2005 (#1124-#1154)
FY2004 (#1095-#1123)
FY2003 (#1057-#1094)
FY2002 (#1023-#1056)
FY2001 (#985-#1022)
FY2000 (#956-#984)
FY1999 (#925-#955)
FY1998 (#895-#924)
FY1997 (#858-#893)
FY1996 (#827-#852)