Jan 20 (Monday)

  M. Kino (Kogakuin Univ/NAOJ)
    Welcome address

Session 1: EHT view of M87 & theories (Chair: K. Toma)

09:10-9:55   [Invited]
  F. Tazaki (NAOJ)
    Overview of the first EHT results
09:55-10:40   [Invited]
  Y. Mizuno (Goethe U Frankfurt)
    BH shadow & gravity theories

10:40-13:00  LUNCH

13:00-13:45   [Invited]
  T. Kawashima (NAOJ)
    Multiwavelength study of BH shadow, relativistic jet and accretion flow via general relativistic radiative transfer

Session 2: M87 jet & theories (Chair: Y. Mizuno)

13:45-14:30   [Invited]
  J. Park (ASIAA)
    Kinematics of the M87 jet in the collimation zone: gradual acceleration and velocity stratification
  S. Nakahara (ISAS/JAXA)
    Study for the physical properties of AGN jets by radio imaging analyses of jet structure from Schwarzschild-radius to galactic scales

14:55-15:20 COFFEE

15:20-16:05   [Invited]
  M. Nakamura (ASIAA)
    MAD in Action in M87: Constraining the Horizon scale Magnetic flux and the Jet Power
  M. Kino (Kogakuin Univ/NAOJ)
    On BZ power of the M87 jet
  S. J. Tanaka (Aoyama Gakuin Univ)
    Acceleration of Relativistic Jets with Tangled Magnetic Field
  N. Shin (SNU)
    The relation between the accretion process and the Faraday rotation of the jet of blazars


Jan 21 (Tuesday)

Session 3: Plasma physics around SMBHs (Chair: S. J. Tanaka)

09:00-09:45   [Invited]
  K. Akiyama (NRAO/MIT)
    next generation EHT, & space VLBI
09:45-10:30   [Invited]
  S. Kisaka (FRIS, Tohoku Univ)
    Particle acceleration in a starved magnetosphere of a Kerr black hole

10:30-10:35 COFFEE

10:35-11:20   [Invited]
  Y. Kawazura (FRIS, Tohoku Univ)
    A multiscale study of turbulent heating in hot accretion flows
  S. S. Kimura (FRIS, Tohoku Univ)
    Hadronic Gamma Rays from the Hot Accretion Flow in M87


Session 4/5: EHT view of BH jet bases & EAVN-high (Chair: K. Hada)

13:00-13:45   [Invited]
  J.-Y. Kim (MPIfR)
    Millimeter VLBI view of 3C279
13:45-14:25   [Invited]
  T. Jung (KASI)

14:25-14:55 COFFEE

14:55-15:35   [Invited]
  K. Niinuma (Yamaguchi Univ)
    Development of NRO 3mm VLBI system: Toward EA 3mm VLBI Network

Session 6: Multiwavelength Synergy (Chair: M. Sasada)

15:35-16:20   [Invited]
  D. Mazin (ICRR, Univ of Tokyo)
    M87 seen at very high energy gamma rays

16:20-16:35 COFFEE

  K. Hayashida (Osaka Univ)
    Sub-Arcsecond to Micro-Arcsecond Resolution X-ray Imaging of SMBH with a novel method MIXIM
  W. Chamani (Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory)
    Joint XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations of the reflection spectrum of III Zw 2

17:25-18:00 POSTER SESSION
18:00-20:00 BANQUET

Jan 22 (Wednesday)

Session 7: High accretion rate BHs & jets (Chair: T. Kawashima)

09:30-10:15   [Invited]
  K. Ohsuga (Tsukuba Univ)
    BH high-power accretion & outflow
  T. Ohmura (Kyushu Univ)
    Three dimensional modeling of FR-II  jets using two-temperature MHD simulation

10:40-11:00 COFFEE

Session 8: Large-scale properties of jets (Chair: J. Park)

  K. Hada (NAOJ)
    Collimation, acceleration and recollimation shock in the jet of the nearest gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H0323+342
  K.-W. Lee (SNU)
    The acceleration and collimation zone of FSRQ1928+738
  K. Lee (Univ of Tokyo)
    The radio-loud fraction of low-luminosity HSC quasars at z~6

  K. Toma (Tohoku Univ.)
    Closing remarks

List of Poster Presentations

Poster 1
  F. Tazaki (NAOJ)
    First VLBI Study of FR II Radio Galaxy 4C 50.55
Poster 2
  A. Utsumi (Univ. of Tsukuba)
    General relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations of super-Eddington accretion disks around prograde and retrograde black holes
Poster 3
  T. Igarashi (Chiba Univ.)
    Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Changing Look AGNs and intermittent Jet Ejections
Poster 4
  M. Takamura (Univ. of Tokyo)
    Polarization study of the jet of gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H0323+342 with high-resolution VLBI
Poster 5
  T. Ogihara (Tohoku Univ.)
    Constructing a General Relativistic Ideal MHD Approximate Solution for AGN Jets
Poster 6
  A. Mizuta (RIKEN)
    Time variavilities in disks and jets caused by magnetic field activities