index publications
Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Books
Journal Papers in 2003

4 Coincidence analysis to search for inspiralling compact binaries H. Takahashi and TAMA collaboration(including T. Futamase) Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 20, Issue 17, pp. S741-S751 (2003).
3 New derivation of a third post-Newtonian equation of motion for relativistic compact binaries without ambiguity Yousuke Itoh T. Futamase gr-qc/0310028
2 Spontaneous Generation of the Magnetic Field and Suppression of The Heat Conduction in Cold Fronts Nobuhiro Okabe, Makoto Hattori ApJ, 599,964(2003)
1 The Topology of a Weak Lensing Field in the Neighborhood of MS 1054-03 J, Sato, K, Umetsu,
T. Futamase,T, Yamada
ApJ, 582, L67

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