Japan-Korea Science Seminar 2009 (JSPS/KOSEF) -- Galaxy Build-up Across Cosmic Ages and Environments -- (I) Invited talks: 25min (talk) + 5min (discussion) (C) Contributed talks: 12min (talk) + 3min (discussion) 24th November (Tue) ------------------- Evening: Welcome Reception 25th November (Wed) ------------------- 09:00-12:00 OPENING (N.Arimoto and T.Yamada) (10min) Session 1 : Final Products of Galaxy Build-up -- Resolved Views of the Milky Way and the Local Group (I) Nobuo Arimoto (NAOJ) "Stellar Populations in Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group" (C) Sakurako Okamoto (Tokyo, D3) "Ultra faint dwarf satellites in the Milky Way" (I) Masashi Chiba (Tohoku) "Kinematical Signatures in the Milky Way and the Local Group Galaxies" (C) Miho Ishigaki (Tohoku, D3) "Chemical abundance of the Milky Way outer halo stars" Break (20min) (I) Young-Wook Lee (Yonsei) "Globular clusters with multiple populations as Galaxy building blocks" (C) Sang-Il Han (Yonsei, student) "CTIO 4m photometry of globular clusters with multiple populations" (C) Seok-Joo Joo (Yonsei, student) "Star formation history of globular clusters with multiple populations" 13:30-18:05 Session 2 : Final Products of Galaxy Build-up -- Nearby Galaxies (C) Rie Miura (Tokyo, D1) "Dense gas and star formation in giant extragalactic HII regions" (C) Shin-ya Komugi (JAXA) "Cold Dust and its Temperature Distribution in M33" (I) Narae Hwang (NAOJ) "Extended Star Clusters and Galaxy Evolution" (I) Sukyoung Ken Yi (Yonsei) "Star Forming Early-Type Galaxies" (C) Hyunjin Jeong (Yonsei, student), "Evidence for young stars in the SAURON early type galaxies" (I) Joon Hyeop Lee (KASSI) "Multi-Wavelength Properties of Blue Early-Type Galaxies" Break (20min) (C) Jong Chul Lee (SNU, student), "The Fundamental Plane of Luminous Infrared Galaxies" (C) Gwang Ho Lee (SNU, student), "Dependence of Barredness of Late-type Galaxies on Galaxy Properties and Environment" (C) Kyuseok Oh (Yonsei, student), "Improved measurements of spectral lines for SDSS galaxies" (I) Woong-Tae Kim (SNU) "Dynamical Friction in a Gaseous Medium" (C) Shinki Oyabu (ISAS/JAXA) "Search for Active Galactic Nuclei using AKARI mid-infrared all sky survey" (C) Hitoshi Hanami (Iwate) "Dusty Starbursts in Balmer Break Galaxies at z=0.5-2" (C) Masato Onodera (CEA) "Rest-frame absorption line study of a passive galaxy at z=1.82" 26th November (Thu) ------------------- 09:00-12:05 Session 3 : Galaxy Build-up in the Course of Cluster Build-up -- Clusters of Galaxies (I) Myung Gyoon Lee (SNU) "Clusters of Galaxies with AKARI and SDSS" (C) Jongwan Ko (SNU, student) "MIR View of Galaxies in Cluster Environment" (I) Tadayuki Kodama (NAOJ) "Panoramic Views of Cluster Formation and Evolution" (C) Yusei Koyama (Tokyo, D2) "Subaru/AKARI joint survey for intermediate redshift clusters" Break (20min) (I) Changbom Park (KIAS) "Environmental Effects for Galaxy Formation" (C) Yoshihiko Yamada (NAOJ) "Stellar Populations of Early-Type Galaxies in a z=0.8 Cluster" (C) Yen-Ting Lin (IPMU) "Cluster galaxy evolution in IRAC shallow cluster survey" (C) Masamune Oguri (NAOJ) "Finding bright high-z galaxies through gravitational lensing" 13:30-18:05 (I) Masahiro Takada (IPMU) "Subaru Weak Lensing Study of Galaxy Clusters" (I) Myungshin Im (SNU) "Proto-Clusters and Supermassive Balck Holes at High Redshift" (C) Eugene Kang (SNU, student) "Search Methods for Proto-Clusters" (C) Mariko Kubo (Tohoku, M1) "Clustering of Distant Red Galaxies in SSA22 Protocluster" Session 4: Galaxy Build-up in Action -- High-z Galaxies (I) Toru Yamada (Tohoku) "AGN Activities in High-Redshift Massive Galaxies" (C) Changsu Choi (SNU, student) "Y-band Imaging Observaiton of Extragalactic Fields" Break (20min) (I) Jong-Hak Woo (SNU) "Cosmic evolution of black hole-galaxy scaling relations" (C) Nana Morimoto (Tohoku, D1) "Searching for Core-Collapsed SNe in a High-z Protocluster" (C) Graziano Rossi (KIAS) "Convolution and deconvolution based estimates of galaxy scaling relations from photometric redshift surveys" (C) Chul Chung (Yonsei, student) "YEPS: Yonsei Evolutionary Population Synthesis" (I) Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS/JAXA) "Extremely Red Galaxies Found in AKARI Deep Field" (C) Takehiko Wada (ISAS/JAXA) "Study of Galaxy Formation and Evolution by SPICA" Seminar Banquet (19:30-) 27th November (Fri) ------------------- 09:00-12:15 (I) Ho Seong Hwang (CEA) "Galaxy Interactions and Mergers at High Redshifts" (I) Masayuki Akiyama (Tohoku) "Resolved Morphology and Kinematics of High-z Galaxies with IFU/AO" (I) Kazuhiro Shimasaku (Tokyo) "High-Redshift Galaxies and Cosmic Reionization" (C) Yoshiaki Ono (Tokyo, D1) "Stellar Populations of Lyman Alpha Emitters at z=3-4" Break (15min) (I) Kentaro Motohara (Tokyo) "SDF Galaxies at z~2 : the Peak Epoch of the Galaxy Formation" (C) Kimihiko Nakajima (Tokyo, M1) "Selection of Galaxies at z~1 with the 1.6um Feature in the SDF" (I) Kouji Ohta (Kyoto) "Stellar Populations of LBGs and LAEs at z~5" Afternoon: Excursion to Chuson-ji and Genbi-kei 28th November (Sat) ------------------- 09:00-10:00 Session 5: Future Japan-Korea Collaborations Free discussion (led by M.G.Lee and N.Arimoto, 60min) CLOSING END (10:00)