Astronomy at Dome Fuji in Antarctica
Antarctica is expected to be the last window open to space for ground-based astronomical
Especially, the highest regions of the Antarctic plateau above 3,000 m elevation are an
attractive environment for observational astronomy.
Due to low temperature, thermal noise at infra-red wavelengths is much lower in
Antarctica than other temperate sites.
Dry atmosphere with little water vapor is more transparent in infra-red to sub-millimeter.
At the summits of the plateau the wind speed is low and the atmosphere is stable, so that
no violent storms and blizzards exist.
Since the surface inversion layer is thin, we expect good seeing.
As better sites than South Pole there are several bases on the summits of the plateau,
Dome C, Dome A, and Dome Fuji (also known as Dome F) (Fig.1).
Astronomers in the world pay attention to these sites with good conditions.
In that context, Japanese group has organized a consortium consisting of four
universities (Tohoku, Tsukuba, Rikkyo, Nagoya) and two institutes, (National Institute
of Polar Research and National Astronomical Observatory) to promote the astronomy in Dome Fuji.
Domue Fuji
Dome Fuji station is located at -77^o 19' 01''S, 39^o 42' 12''E; 1000 km
inland on the Antarctic Continent at 3810 m above sea level, which is the
second-highest summit of the Antarctic ice sheet. It was established in
1995 by NIPR for the deep drilling program and atmospheric observations.
The year-round average temperature is about -54^oC, and in winter the temperature
comes down to as low as -80^oC. Due to this low temperature, thermal noise
at infra-red wavelengths is much lower in Antarctica than other sites.
Although the site is on the border of the aurora oval, it is not a drawback
for infrared and THz astronomy. In 2006 we carried out monitoring observations
of the atmospheric turbulence in the boundary layer (up to the altitude
of 1000 m) by SODAR and the transparency by a 220 GHz radio meter in summer.
However, it is in the winter season that the superior characteristic of
the Antarctica appears, so that it is necessary for us to examine turbulence
and transparency in the winter.

Science goals
To enjoy the advantages in Antarctica, we are planning to construct 2m-class
infrared and 10m-class THz telescopes. Thanks to low background and high
transmittance, a 2m-class telescope has a capability of 8m-class telescopes
located at Mounakea in near-/mid-infrared. An infrared survey observation
in K-dark band at 2.4 micron will give the deepest and widest dataset for
the high-z universe with reasonable cost and observation time. It will
reach deeper than those of VISTA and UKIDSS by 1-2 mag. The THz telescope
will target dusty galaxies at the high-z universe to study galaxy evolution
in its early phase of star formation enshrouded in dust. The long polar
night in winter is favorable for searching variable objects with a long
period such like extra-solar planets in orbit of habitable zone. The observation
with molecules (e.g., CO, H_2O, CH_4) at the second eclipse will give us
the information of the atmosphere. To do such observations we are making
near-/mid-infrared instruments for imaging and spectroscopy.
Future plan
NIPR has planned the construction of a new permanent winter-over station
with raised floors at Dome Fuji in the next 6-year program, because the
old station was buried under snow. Astronomical facilities are also expected.
Before the completion of the station, we will start astronomical site testing
and pilot research (e.g., CO survey in Galactic plane, faint stellar halo
of nearby galaxies, second eclipse of exoplanets) with small telescopes
and site-testing equipments from 2010. In collaboration with Australian
group (Storey et al.), we will construct PLATO for Dome Fuji, which will
enable us to make unmanned operation of the instruments before the winterover
station is constructed. (Please find current status in the reports below).

40cm Infrared telescope at Dome Fuji
2016/06/26 SPIE (Edinburgh, UK)
"An optical design of the wide-field imaging and multi-object spectrograph
for an Antarctic infrared telescope"
2013/06/24 Medium-Size Telescope Science Workshop East Asian Core Observatories
Association (EACOA) (Kunming, China)
"Dome Fuji: Antarctic Infrared Telescope and its Science Drivers"
2010/8/3 SCAR
"Infrared Astronomy in Antarctica"
2009/8/6 IAU General Assembly, Special Session
"Astronomy at Dome Fuji in Antarctica"