Source Extractor SExtractor
is a software that scans the input fits images and finds the
objects (based on the parameters you have defined) that are in
it, it then gives you a catalog of the objects in the image
based on the parameters you have requested that you can insert
into IRAF or use as a base for your own hand written cfitsio
routine to do your analysis on.
Here I breifly discuss how this useful software can be
installed on your computer. At a first glance
on it's webpage and on the sight of an RPM
package you feel very comfortable that unlike most
professional software a large amount of compilations and
unexpected errors aren't needed! In my case at least the RPM
ran very fast and I had SExtractor installed in seconds! But
while reading
the Source Extractor for Dummies and trying to
test my installation I found that I don't have the
important default.param ,
or default.conv files along with the important
convolution files that are mentioned in both guides on my
computer! I then studied the webpage more and after studying
the manual and
this webpage I decided to install and work with
the complete package, that includes all the configuration
files too.
I applied these procedures on a fresh install of 32bit (for
my laptop) and 64bit (for my
desktop) Scientific Linux, due to a similar
architecture, these steps work equally fine for Fedora (e.g. 17,
16 and ...) and all Red Hat Based Linux distributions. The only
difference is in the flags of ATLAS's configure script; insert a
32 instead of 64 if you are using a 32bit system.
While learning SExtractor I am making a note of all the
important things I didn't find in
the Official Manual or
" SExtractor for Dummies". You can see them
in my SExtractor 2.8.6
Notes page.
Source Extractor
(SExtractor) 2.19.5
The Short Way
As I explained, there is a very easy way to install
SExtractor using an RPM file. Although I don't advise this
method because an RPM file is already compiled and will not
necessarily work on your computer. in this procedure all you
have to do is;
- Download the installation rpm
in This address.
- Change to root:
- Run the rpm:
# rpm -i
[file name and address]
- Finished!
The Long Way
In this method there are a list of prerequisits that must
already be installed on your computer to be able to complete the
building successfully;
- GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and it's especial Fortran compiler:
gfortran. It is used for installing Lapack.
- Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
which is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete
Fourier transform in one or more dimensions.
- Linear Algebra PACKage
(LAPACK) which is written in Fortran and
provides routines for solving Linear Algebra problems.
- Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
(ATLAS) its purpose is to provide
portably optimal linear algebra software.
Of these four, the first two are very easy but the last two
(that are intertwined) are relatively hard. I should also say
that my Fedora 14 already had FFTW and ATLAS installed from the
Operating System installation time, but for some reason, the
configure script of SExtractor didn't recognize them!
GCC & gfortran
The GNU Compiler Collection or GCC is a very important
package that doesn't get installed along with the Fedora
installation DVD but is very crusial for a lot of purposes; you
can install GCC and gfortran using these two simple scripts in
Fedora. You just have to type the codes after
the # sign.
- Change to root:
- Type these two
# yum install
gcc # yum install
gcc-gfortran to install gcc and gfortran.
The installation of FFTW can be done in the same manner as
GCC with the yum command; just
replace gcc with fftw , but this method
doesn't support multithreading, that is required by
SExtractor. So it is best to just compile it from source;
- Download the tar file
from this address and unpack
# tar
xvzf file-name
- Open the file and run the configure script to create the
make file, make sure to enable
./configure --enable-threads --enable-float
- Run the make file to compile
# make
- Install it so that it is accessable from any where in your
# make
You only need to install the ATLAS Development package. If
you want to install the full ATLAS
package Click
here. # yum install
atlas-devel You are now ready to install
Source Extractor
And Finally.... We get to installing SExtractor;
- Download the source code from
its webpage and unpack the
# tar
-xvzf filename
- Open the file and run the configure script to create the
make file
- Run the make file to compile
# make
- To see if it has been successfully built, you can run:
# make
check If it says 1 test passed
then you are good to go.
- Install it so that it is accessable from any where in
your computer;
# make
Arch Linux: I have recently moved
to Arch
Linux and will not be updating the information above for
RHEL based Linux versions any more (because I don't have
them!). Arch Linux is a fantasic distribution with minimal
modifications by the Arch Linux maintainers, so you get the
most recent versions of the packages and with minimal change
from what the authors of those packages intended. It also has
a great
wiki for you to learn from. I strongly suggest it to who
ever wants to learn how GNU/Linux works. Most other
distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora or Scientific Linux, hide so
many things from the user. This makes learning how the
GNU/Linux system works very hard when using them. Any
way, most of the dependencies like FFTW
or cblas are already available
in pacman. Only Atlas isn't. I have explained
how to install it in a dedicated page. Atlas will put its
libraries and header files in /usr/local/atlas by
default, so you have to tell this to SExtractor during the
configuration. You can add these two options in
the ./configure step:
Ubuntu: I don't use Ubuntu my self but
Markus Voge was kind enough to supply me with the respective
packages there. You can follow the instructions bellow but for
packages: libatlas3gf-base , libatlas-base-dev ,
libatlas-headers that you can get
using apt-get . Upon configuring SExtractor, if a
multi-threading error comes, you can
follow the instructions here.
Acknowledgments I would like thank Markus
Voge and Benjamin Veen for their comments on improving
this webpage.
Updated on October 7th, 2014.
Created on May 25th, 2011.